Come Out from Among Them

2 Corinthians 6:17

Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you."  - 2 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV)

In this verse, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to a life of sanctification, urging them to separate themselves from the patterns and influences of the world. It's a call to a distinct way of living, one that honors God and reflects His holiness.

"Come out from among them." This call echoes down through the ages, urging Christians to break free from the conformity of the world. It's an invitation to step out of the mold, to resist the pull of popular opinion, and to stand apart for the sake of Christ. This separation is not isolation, but a deliberate choice to live by a different standard.

"Do not touch what is unclean." The world often presents us with alluring but tainted offerings. These could be in the form of compromised values, sinful practices, or worldly pleasures that promise temporary satisfaction. Yet, the Lord commands us to refrain from embracing these uncleannes. He knows that they tarnish our souls and hinder our intimacy with Him.

"And I will receive you." This promise is the heart of the matter. God extends an invitation, not just to separate us from something, but to draw us near to Himself. When we obey His call to holiness, He welcomes us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. Our sanctification is not a mere rule to follow; it's an avenue to experience more of God's presence and grace.

Living in the world, but not being of it, is a delicate balance. It requires discernment, wisdom, and a heart surrendered to God's leading. We're called to be salt and light, influencing the world for Christ while maintaining a distinct separation from its sinful patterns.

This separation is not an arrogant withdrawal from society, but a deliberate choice to live by God's standards. It's an acknowledgment that our allegiance lies with the King of kings, and our identity is found in Him alone.

As you navigate the complexities of daily life, remember the call of 2 Corinthians 6:17. Ask yourself: Am I intentionally separating myself from worldly influences that contradict God's truth? Am I guarding my heart against the allure of sin? Am I drawing near to God in greater intimacy through my pursuit of holiness?


Heavenly Father, thank you for Your grace of forgiveness and salvation. Thank you for your desire for us to experience You more as we give our lives totally to and for You. May you give us the strength each day to live separate lives glorifying You. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

May this verse serve as a guiding principle, reminding you that your identity is rooted in Christ, and your call is to be a reflection of His holiness in a world that desperately needs His light.