Known and Chosen by God

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." - Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)

Jeremiah, often referred to as the "weeping prophet," offers us a profound glimpse into the sovereignty and purpose of God. In these words, we find not only a declaration of God's intimate knowledge of us, but also a revelation of His purpose for our lives.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." These words carry a weight of divine intentionality. Before the very inception of our physical existence, God knew us intimately. This knowing transcends mere knowledge; it is an intimate awareness, a personal recognition of who we are and who we are meant to be.

This knowledge is not passive or arbitrary; it is accompanied by purpose. "Before you were born I sanctified you." God sets us apart for His divine purpose. He consecrates us, designating us for a specific calling and mission. This sanctification is not contingent on our merit or achievements, but solely on God's sovereign choice.

"I ordained you a prophet to the nations." This phrase tells us of God's specific calling on Jeremiah's life. He was chosen to be a prophet, not just to a particular people or region, but to the nations. This calling was not based on Jeremiah's qualifications, but on God's divine appointment. It is a testament to God's ability to use the seemingly ordinary to accomplish extraordinary purposes.

As we reflect on Jeremiah 1:5, we are confronted with the profound truth that our lives are not a product of chance or happenstance. We are known by God, intimately and purposefully. He has also sanctified us, setting us apart for His divine plan. 

This truth has significant implications for how we view ourselves and our purpose in life. It dispels feelings of insignificance or aimlessness. 

Furthermore, Jeremiah's calling reminds us that God equips those He calls. Jeremiah initially protested, feeling inadequate for the task. Yet, God assured him that He would be with him, empowering him to fulfill his calling.

Likewise, God does not call us to tasks beyond His enablement. Whatever purpose He has ordained for our lives, He provides the necessary grace and strength to accomplish it.

Today, let us take comfort in the knowledge that we are known and chosen by God. Let us embrace our sanctification and calling with humility and trust. Just as Jeremiah was empowered to fulfill his prophetic ministry, so too are we empowered to fulfill the unique calling God has placed on our lives.


Heavenly Father, we are humbled and grateful for the knowledge that You knew us before we were formed. Thank You for setting us apart for Your divine purpose. Empower us to fulfill the unique calling You have placed on our lives. We trust in Your provision and grace. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

May this devotional encourage you to walk in confidence, knowing that the One who knows us intimately also equips us faithfully for the work He has prepared for us to do.